iCook 4-H follows a multifaceted family intervention model to approach childhood obesity prevention from three distinct, yet complimentary, perspectives: cooking together, eating together, and playing together. At the core of iCook 4-H's mission is its innovative concept of bringing parents and children together to work toward a healthier lifestyle as a team. In its curriculum, the program uses Social Cognitive Theory, a learn by watching model, and the Experiential 4-H Learning Model, centered around a trifecta of doing, reflecting, and applying.
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- Combat rising rates of childhood obesity in West Virginia
- Implement a childhood obesity prevention program that improves culinary skills, meal time communication, and physical activity
The iCook 4-H program is centered around both community and age-appropriate culinary skills, physical activity, and family meal time as children aged 8-10 and their primary food preparers participated in a variety of interactive classes. Existing 4-H curricula, including Fast Foods and Youth in Motion, were adapted and utilized as resources for the program. Children are introduced to basic knife skills, recipe following, family play time opportunities, and the importance of family meals in their daily routine. Additionally, participants learn how to create well-balanced meals and use MyPlate tools. Parents gain valuable information about meal planning and preparation to promote healthy and more frequent family meals. Altogether, iCook 4-H is a 5-year project for a dyad (parent-child) model.
Year 1 | Pilot | Participants attend 6 biweekly sessions focusing on the core themes of cooking, eating, and playing. In between sessions, individuals complete goal setting and website activities.
Year 2 & 3 | Study | Participants attend 6 biweekly sessions focusing on the core themes of cooking, eating, and playing. Intervention individuals remained active for 2 years after the 12 week program through online activities, newsletters, and seasonal boosters.
Year 4 & 5 | Full Pilot | Dissemination via Cooperative Extension occurred in each state. Participants attend 8 biweekly sessions and engaged in online activities.
For more details, see our iCook Curriculum feedback presentation.
Outcome, Impact, & Future Work
In the areas of cooking and eating, both children and parents who attended session showed greater improvements in culinary skills, confidence, and frequency of family meals, compared to those who did not attend. Children who participated in higher levels of physical activity experienced higher quality of life, and overall, participants of iCook 4-H decreased their sedentary lifestyle. Youth participants of iCook 4-H are twice as likely to be civically active, make healthier choices, and participate in STEM outside of school.
iCook 4-H used eB4CAST to help communities implement the intervention, and demonstrate the program's impact in a specially tailored infographic format.
iCook 4-H is being implemented in West Virginia STEM programs (see below) and our five partner states, on its way to community dissemination.
Additionally, in collaboration with Departments of Plant and Soil Science and Family
Development, the iCook model was implemented for a pilot study entitled iGrow.
This project studied the dyad model in a growing, cooking, and eating together
program. Its focus was on container gardening with culinary skills to increase
fruit and vegetable consumption in youth and adults.
iCook 4-H was a collaborative effort with individuals from the Healthy Campus Research Consortium (HCRC), a multi-state USDA research team who focus on applying behavioral theoretical models to the design of practical intervention strategies which promote healthy behavioral patterns and environments among young adults. The principle investigators from each university are listed below.
Adrienne White PhD, RDN - University of Maine
Sarah Colby PhD, RDN - University of Tennessee
Lisa Franzen-Castle PhD, RDN - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Learn more about HCRC.Kendra Kattelmann PhD, RDN - South Dakota State University
Melissa Olfert, DrPH, RDN - West Virginia University
We also partnered with the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA), a West Virginia high school Health Sciences and STEM program committed to increasing research access and higher education opportunities for underrepresented students. HSTA is currently involved in rolling out the iCook 4-H curriculum in two areas of West Virginia. Students’ responsibilities include leading family classes, allowing them to directly invest into their own communities.
iCook 4-H was funded by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Grant 2012-68001-19605 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Childhood Obesity Prevention: Integrated Research, Education, and Extension to Prevent Childhood Obesity – A2101. State experiment stations in Maine, Nebraska, South Dakota, and West Virginia also supported this research.
Publications & Presentations
* denotes Research Assistant Trainees in the Olfert Research Lab
Haskell JE, Baker BA,
Olfert MD, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle LD, Kattelmann KK, White AA. Using
Ripple Effects Maps to Identify Story Threads: A Framework to Link Private to Public
Jrnl of Human Science & Extension
in print
Olfert MD, King SJ*, Hagedorn RL*, Barr ML*, Baker BA, Colby SE, Kattelmann
KK, Franzen-Castle L, White AA. Ripple Effects Mapping Outcomes of a Childhood
Obesity Prevention Program from Youth and Adult Dyads Using a Qualitative Approach:
iCook 4-H.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in print
Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL*, Barr ML*, Colby SE, Kattelmann KK, Franzen-Castle
L, White AA. Evaluation of Infographic Reports Depicting Program Impact of a Community-Based
Research Program: eB4CAST in iCook 4-H.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
White AA, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK,
Olfert MD, Gould TA, Hagedorn RL, Mathews DR, Moyer J, Wilson-Sweebe K,
Yerxa KL. The iCook 4-H Study: Implementation and Dissemination of a Youth/Adult
Out-of-School Program.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
Colby S, Moret L,
Olfert MD, Kattelmann KK, Franzen-Castle L, Allison C, Payne M, Ellington
A, Wiggins S, Springer C, Fouts H, Butler R, Mathews D, White AA. I Show What I
Learn: Youth Created Cooking Videos in iCook 4-H.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
Franzen-Castle L, Plaggemeyer A, Krehbiel M, White A, Mathews D, Yerxa K, Colby,
Donaldson A, Kattelmann K, Koens A,
Olfert MD, Flanagan S. iCook 4-H: Developing a Curriculum for Youth and
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
Kattelmann K, Meendering JR, Hofer E, Merfeld CM,
Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL*, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L, Moyer J, Mathews
DR, White AA. The iCook 4-H Study: Report on physical activity and sedentary time
in youth participating in a multicomponent program promoting family cooking, eating,
and playing together.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
Mathews D, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K,
Olfert MD, White A. Development and Testing of Program Evaluation Instruments
for the iCook 4-H Curriculum.
Jrnl of Nutr Ed & Behav
2018. in review
Colby S, Moret L,
Olfert MD, Kattelmann K, Franzen-Castle L, Riggsbee K, Payne M, Ellington
A, Springer C, Allison C, Wiggins S, Butler R, Mathews D, White AA. Incorporating
Technology in the iCook-4H Intervention Program for Youth and Adults.
Journal of Medical Internet Research
2018. in review
Mathews D, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, Olfert MD, White A. Development and Application of an Instrument to Evaluate Fidelity of Implementation. Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning 2018. in prep
Kabala C, Kattlemann K, Meendering J, Mathews D,
Olfert MD, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, White A. iCook-4H: Measuring Sedentary
Activity in 9-10 year old Children.
FASEB J, 28(1Supp), LB460,
Buttarazzi S, Mathews D, Aguirre T, Franzen-Castle L, Shanklin K, Colby S, Kattelmann K, Smith E, Olfert MD, Yerxa K, White A. iCook 4-H: Piloting a Childhood Obesity Prevention Program –Anthropometrics and Dietary Intake of Children 9-10 Years Old. J Nutr Educ Behav 2013:45(4Suppl1) :S76.
Colby S, Shanklin K, Olfert MD, Flanagan S, White A, Mathews D, Yerxa K, Franzen-Castle L, Krehbiel M, Kattleman K, Koens A. iCook: Technology development for use in a Youth and Adult 5-State 4-H Program. FASAB J, 27: 36.2, 2013.
Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, Olfert MD, White A. iCook: Development and Pilot Testing of a Cooking Intervention for Youth and Adults. Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health , Wuhan, China. October 27, 2013.
Donaldson A, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann, Olfert MD, White A. Building cooking confidence as a foundation for a healthy diet. Southern Obesity Summit 2013, Knoxville TN, October 2013.
Franzen-Castle L, Krehbiel M, White A, Mathews D, Yerxa K, Colby S, Donaldson A, Kattelmann K, Koens A, Olfert MD, Flanagan S. iCook: Developing a 4-H Curriculum for Youth and Adults. FASAB J, 27: 1067.9, 2013.
Kabala C, Koens AR, Meandering JR, White AA, Mathews DR, Olfert MD, Smith E, Gebremariam Y, Colby SE, Sparks A, Franzen-Castle L, Hall J, Kattlemann KK. iCook 4-H: Assessment of Physical Activity in 9-10 year old Children Participating in a Family-Centered Pilot Intervention. J Nutr Educ Behav 2013:45(4Suppl1) :S69.
Mathews D, Yerxa K, Franzen-Castle L, Krehbiel M, Colby S, Meade R, Kattelmann K, Kabala C, Olfert MD, Kattlemann K, White A. iCook: Use of an Online Process Evaluation to Facilitate Quality Control of a 5-State 4-H Program. FASAB J. 27: 367.5, 2013.
Olfert MD, Smith E, Flanagan S. Colby S, Shanklin K, White A, Mathews D, Yerxa K, Franzen-Castle L, Krehbiel M, Kattleman K, Koens A. iCook: Lessons Learned about Recruiting Youth and Their Primary Adult Food Preparers for a 4-H Cooking Intervention. FASAB J. 27: 1063.18, 2013.
White A, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattlemann K, Olfert MD. iCook: A 4-H Program to Promote Culinary Skills and Family Meals for Obesity Prevention. J Nutr Educ Behav 2013:45 (4Suppl1) :S91.
Krehbiel M, White A, Franzen-Castle L, Kattlemann K, Colby S,
Olfert MD. iCook: engaging youth and adults in a 4-H cooking intervention.
National Afterschool Association Convention, Oral Presentation, New York City,
Bates JS, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, Mathews D, Olfert MD, White A. Coming Together: Family Relationships and Healthy Food Preparation. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science, Nov 2-6, 2015, Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV.
White J, Famodu O, Barr ML, Hagedorn R, Olfert MD. Cooking, Mealtime & Physical Activities Incorporated in the Home Environment One Year After Initial Intervention: iCook 4-H. Van Liere Research Symposium Morgantown, WV. February 2015.
Flanagan S, Olfert MD, Colby S, Kattelmann K, Franzen-Castle L, White A. iCook Program for Extension. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science, Nov 2-6, 2015, Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV.
Get Fruved and other National Collegiate 4-H Initiatives. National Collegiate 4-H Conference, Gainesville, FL. March 12-15, 2015. (Presentation and representation by 10 WVU graduate and undergraduate students)
Hagedorn R, White J, Famodu O, Barr M, Hanks S, Chester A, Colby S, Franzen-Castle
L, Kattelmann K, White A,
Olfert MD. Using High School Leaders in Dissemination and Implementation
Through the Health Sciences Technology Academy (HSTA): iCook 4-H.
J Nutr Educ Behav
2015; 47(4) S38. DOI:
Hagedorn RL*, Yuhase S, Ammons B, White JA*, Olfert MD. Using HSTA Teens as Leaders. Annual iCook 4-H Meeting. Portland, ME. July 20-23, 2015. (Presentation by WVU researchers and HSTA representation)
Hagedorn RL*, Olfert MD. Using Teen Peer-Leaders to Implement the iCook 4-H Childhood Obesity Prevention Program. National McNair/SSS Research Conference and Graduate School Fair oral presentation. University of Delaware. Newark, DE. Oct 9, 2015. (Placed 2nd in oral competition $150 award)
Mathews D, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, Colby S, Olfert MD, White A. Use of a Systematic 3-Pronged Evaluation to Measure, Monitor and Test Fidelity of the 5-State iCook 4-H Program. FASEB J 2015; 29(1Suppl), 395.8.
Matthews D, Franzen-CastleL, Colby S, Kattlemann K,
Olfert MD, White A. Use of Word Clouds as A NovelApproach for Analysis
and Presentation of Qualitative Data for ProgramEvaluation.
J Nutr Educ Behav
2015; 47 (4), S26.
McDonald D, Olfert MD. Collegiate Leadership Meeting - Training for 4-H Positive Youth Development. West Virginia 4-H Camp, Jackson’s Mill, WV. Feb. 20-22, 2015.
Olfert MD, Scatterday A, Famodu O, White J, Barr M, Hagedorn R, Meade
R, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Wilson-Sweebe K, Kattelmann K, Yerxa K, White A.
Health Disparate Score Change Over 12 Months: iCook 4-H Study. J Nutr Educ Behav
2015; 47(4), S83. DOI:
Parsley MC, Barr ML, Olfert MD. Analysis of Dosage via Combination Intteraction in iCook 4-H Program. Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Meeting (SURE), Morgantown, WV, July 23, 2015
Parsley MC*, Famodu OA*, Hagedorn RL*, Olfert MD. Statewide Dissemination of a Culinary Skills, Family Mealtime, and Physical Activity program through HSTA. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC), Charleston, WV, Feb. 25, 2016.
King SJE, Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL, Famodu OA, Barr ML, Morris AM, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK, White AA. iCook 4-H Using Ripple Effect Mapping to Determine Impact - 2 years Post- Intervention. Davis College Graduate Research Day. Morgatnown, WV. April 2016.
Olfert MD, King SJE, Hagedorn RL, Morris AM, Famodu OA, Barr ML, Morrison P, Colby S, Franzen Castle L, Kattelmann K, White A. Using Tailored Infographics and Narrative Summaries to Empower Communities for Dissemination and Implementation of Programming through eB4CAST: iCook 4-H. SNEB Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. July 30, 2016.
Hofer EJ, Kattelmann KK, Merfeld CM, Meendering JR, Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Mathews DR, White AA. iCook 4-H: Baseline to 24-month accelerometer-derived physical activity in 9-10 year old youth. SNEB Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. July 30, 2016.
Hagedorn RL, Famodu OA, Barr ML, King SJ, Morris AM, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L,
Kattelmann K, White A,
Olfert MD. A Childhood Obesity Prevention Program to Increase Cooking,
Eating, and Playing Together in Families: iCook 4-H Study.
West Virginia Family Medicine Conference. Morgantown, WV. September
Hagedorn RL, Famodu OA, Barr ML, King SJ, Morris AM, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L,
Kattelmann K, White A,
Olfert MD. A Childhood Obesity Prevention Program to Increase Cooking,
Eating, and Playing Together in Families: iCook 4-H Study.
West Virginia Rural Health Conference. Logan, WV. October
King SJE, Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL, Famodu OA, Barr ML, Morris AM, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK, White AA. iCook 4-H: Using Ripple Effect Mapping to Determine Impact- 2 Years Post-Intervention. West Virginia Rural Health Conference. Logan, WV. October 2016.
White A, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, ColbyS,
Olfert MD. Cooking,Eating and Playing Together: iCook 4-H Year 4.
Volume 48, Issue 7, S134,
White A, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann K, Tschakert M, Colby S, McElrone M, Olfert M, Hagedorn R*. Expanding impact through diversification: year 6 of iCook 4-H. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 50(7): S114, July 2018. DOI: